Οι ''Green Knights'' Παρέλαβαν Το Πρώτο F-35B

aviationlive | 11/18/2012 11:56:00 π.μ. | 2 σχόλια

 Η "121" του Σώματος Αμερικανών Πεζοναυτών (USMC) θα γίνει η πρώτη επιχειρησιακή μοίρα που θα επιχειρεί με αεροσκάφος F-35.Η VMFA-121 "Green Knights" παρέλαβε το πρώτο "B" τη Παρασκευή.


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2 σχόλια

  1. Philip says:

    Μια απορία που είχα πάντα, γιατί F-35; Γιατί προχώρησε τόσο πολύ η αρίθμηση;

  2. It is the program office's desire to designate the JSF as the F-35. This request is consistent with the statement made by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquistition, Technology and Logistics during the public announcement of the contract award. He said the JSF would be called the F-35. This is also consistent with the X-35 designation of the Lockheed concept demonstration aircraft. The USAF, USMC, and USN variants will have the Series designators of A, B, and C respectively.

